Is this the little girl I carried?
I cannot believe that Noa is almost 7 months old. She is changing so much, and so rapidly.
She's busting through with two--COUNT 'EM TWO!-- teeth, she is starting to use a sippy cup, she can sit up on her own, she is now sleeping in her crib in her own room. All of this happened in the last three weeks. My head is reeling. She is definitely growing up. She is no longer the lump of newborn that she used to be. Now she's a baby with a distinct personality, likes and dislikes. We were on a walk with the mommies and babies from our mommy group this week and I really got a chance to see how far she has come. Most of the babies in the group are three or more months younger than Noa and I was watching where they were at in their development. Their cries sound different, and their level of interaction with the world is different. I remember when Noa was that age, and I see her now, wanting to take everything in, and growing in her ability to socialize and communicate. On the walk she was even having fun drinking water from my camelbak.
Before I had a child, I wasn't sure how I would balance the work/home thing. I had no idea that I would be so happy spending the majority of every day with her, but I am so in love with this girl and I don't want to miss a thing. She is so fun.
Rudy thinks so too. He likes to be as close to her as possible. They have a very sweet thing goin' on.
I love that she is so smiley. She likes to laugh and dance around, she loves her books, and as always, she looooves our daily walks. We have such a good time together walking through the neighborhood, greeting people, checking out gardens, and getting some exercise. There is a cute cat in the neighborhood who always joins us and walks several blocks with us. A few times, she has followed us all the way home.
All this is to say that change is moving quickly and I don't want to miss a minute of it. I know that we don't get a do-over on this time together, and I intend to enjoy it. All I ask is that she doesn't grow up tooooooo fast.
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