Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Give Peas a Chance

Week 2 of solid food--we were told to add one new food a week and this week is PEAS!!!!!!!
Her first bite was a little suspicious, and then she threw herself into it with abandon. She has developed this neat technique where she will take a bite of food and then vigorously suck her thumb to help her swallow the food.

Sometimes she gets the timing wrong and will shove her thumb in her mouth just as you are lifting the spoon for her to take another bite. The Bumbo is proving to be the perfect feeding chair, although it needs to be wiped down constantly because it gets so sticky.

The casualty in all the food adventures is that Noa now has poots and poops with a bad odor. No more buttermilk sweet diapers.................................................. Oh well.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I was sad to se no one has left you comments! Have you gotten word out about this blog? You are wonderfully gifted!